You catch up with Kenny and he shows you a big smile
revealing a gold tooth and pats you on the back. He takes you to a local pub.
"Your round pal' he says and gestures faintly to the spirit section of the
bar, the barmaid clearly already aware of what his order will be.
The afternoon rolls on with you tied in to the round with
Kenny, further complicated by the arrival of some of his friends
You have spent THIRTY POUNDS
The crowd is friendly, albeit it slightly threatening, but
after a couple of drinks you feel loose. In the hub-bub of the pub you slowly
forget the reason you made the trip to Wakefield .
A pool competition kicks off and, being out of money, you wager the only other
thing left in you wallet - your Long Division ticket.
Afternoon soon turns into evening and at some
indistinguishable point in time, you head out into the night. All around are
people with Long Division wristbands and T-Shirts. The city centre is alive
with activity but all you can do is stumble back to the train station and head
home to bed.