You arrive at The Hop and hear the faint strains of Sky
Larkin blasting through the allegedly soundproof windows from upstairs.
In the upstairs room you are thrilled to see that the love
this amazing band encourage has not dwindled in the three or four years since
they were last in Wakefield .
The drummer – surely he has calmed down a bit since the days
of him performing a Hulk-Smash on every drum, on every beat? Nope, he’s still
got it, annihilating the kit. You momentarily feel sorry for whichever band has
to use it after him.
The band, after a luscious show at Live At Leeds, are back
in full swing now, this time as a four piece. Kate owns the stage but it’s the
mix of pop and that unhinged power and aggression that makes for such a captivating
show. A real classic, you think as the lights come up. Where did thirty minutes
just go?
You glance out of those windows, close to shattering surely
from the pounding they have taken thus far today. The sun is visible in the
sky, slowly sinking its way out of view. The night is coming. And a very
difficult decision faces you. What kind of headliner do you want? It’s the
coin-flip of a potentially life changing experience with one of the most
inspiring, yet unpredictable bands of all time versus staying right where you
are and getting the best square foot of hardened venue flooring in the city for
one of most consistently brilliant, euphoric and heart-warming bands ever to
grace a festival stage. Well, which will it be?
Do you